Job Details

Placement: OP_The Peoples Operator Free SIM_6925
Supplier: Affiliate Window

Introduction and Legal

By submitting the data to Lola Grove in accordance with the below technical specification you hereby agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions and you confirm that:

  1. You have received the necessary consent from the data subject (as more particularly described in the Data Protection Act 1998 (the Act)) at the time of capturing the personal data (as more particularly described in the Act) contained in the data being submitted allowing you and Overmore and its subsidiaries to process and provide the data to third parties for marketing purposes generally so as to comply with all applicable laws including, without limitation, the Act;
  2. Where the data contains sensitive personal information (as more particularly described in the Act) the data subject has expressly opted-in to such sensitive personal information being used for marketing purposes;
  3. Where the data is captured generally that each data subject was given the opportunity to "opt out" so that their personal data does not form part of the data and is not used for marketing purposes;
  4. You complied with all applicable laws and legislation in collecting the data including, without limitation, the provisions of the Act;
  5. You shall indemnify and shall keep Overmore and its subsidiaries fully and effectively indemnified against all and any losses, costs (including without limitation legal costs and expenses), claims, demands, proceedings and any other liability which it may suffer or incur as a result of you failing or being unable for whatever reason to comply fully with the terms contained herein;
  6. You are contracted to capture personal data and to process the same on terms agreed between you and the advertiser and you confirm that Overmore and its subsidiaries is not a party to such contract;
  7. You accept and agree to be bound by the results of the quality assurance services provided by Overmore and its subsidiaries in relation to the data that you submit including, without limitation, Overmore and its subsidiaries verifying the suitability of the data submitted and discarding unsuitable data accordingly;
  8. You will not use any data submitted in accordance herewith in relation to any other third party offer, promotion or otherwise; and
  9. You agree that the terms and conditions contained herein shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and that the parties hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Additional Campaign Notes


Data Submission Instructions accepts both the GET and POST methods of submission. accepts both URL-encoded and non URL-encoded data. The submission URL is:

You must submit a value in the 'ID' for every record. The ID for this placement is:

Data FieldStatusFormatExample
email Mandatory Valid email
title Optional Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/Prof/DrMr
firstname Mandatory Any characters allowedRobin
lastname Mandatory Any characters allowedCaller
address1 Mandatory Any characters allowed7 Brayfield Terrace
address2 Optional Any characters allowedBarnsbury
towncity Mandatory Any characters allowedLondon
postcode Mandatory Valid UK post codeN1 1HZ
timestamp Optional YYYYMMDDhhmmss20101231235959
sub_id Optional Any characters allowedabc123
ipaddress Optional Valid IP address127.0.0.1
callback_id Optional Any characters allowedabc123
freelist_flag Optional
awaid Mandatory Any characters allowed12345
awbid Optional Any characters allowed12345
awcr Optional Any characters allowed12345
awgid Optional Any characters allowed12345
form_type Optional Any characters allowedDesktop
sim_type Optional
  • Standard
  • Micro
  • Nano
  • 2
password Optional Any characters allowedabc123
promoid Optional Any characters allowed2
awc Optional Any characters allowed123
supplier_lead_idOptionalPopulate with a unique ID per lead (any characters not longer than 50 letters)abc123

Deduplication Rules

Field(s):Address 1Postal/Zip Code
Frequency/Timeframe:2 per All time

System Response Codes

Accepted Data Description
Accepted - Data written to DBData written to DB
Duplicate Data Description
Rejected (duplicate) - that data has already been submitted for this campaignData is written to DB but automatically rejected
Error field: [variable]Error type: [variable] is mandatory field
Error field: emailError type: Email is mandatory field
Error field: firstnameError type: First Name is mandatory field
Error field: lastnameError type: Last Name is mandatory field
Error field: address1Error type: Address 1 is mandatory field
Error field: towncityError type: Town/City is mandatory field
Error field: postcodeError type: Postal/Zip Code is mandatory field
Error field: awaidError type: awaid is mandatory field
Rejected Data - Invalid DataDescription
Error field: emailError type: Incorrectly formatted email address
Error field: titleError type: Incorrectly formatted title
Error field: postcodeError type: Incorrectly formatted post code
Error field: timestampError type: Incorrectly formatted date/time
Error field: ipaddressError type: Incorrectly formatted ipaddress
Error field: awaidError type: awaid is incorrectly formatted
Error field: awbidError type: awbid is incorrectly formatted
Error field: awcrError type: awcr is incorrectly formatted
Error field: awgidError type: awgid is incorrectly formatted
Error field: form_typeError type: form_type is incorrectly formatted
Error field: sim_typeError type: sim_type is incorrectly formatted
Error field: passwordError type: password is incorrectly formatted
Error field: promoidError type: promoid is incorrectly formatted
Error field: awcError type: awc is incorrectly formatted