Terms and conditions

This page contains the terms and conditions relating to the various programmes of study we offer (which may differ between programmes).

This page is updated regularly, so please check the relevant section for the most up-to-date version.

This page was last updated on: Thursday, 05 September 2013.

Programmes of Study Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions of Registration

This section applies to: all programmes

This section tells students the full terms and conditions on which they enrol on to our courses listed on our website.

Students' attention is particularly drawn to this section, as enrolment on to any course constitutes full and irrevocable acceptance of the terms and conditions.

Students must read these terms and conditions carefully before enrolling onto a course. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND OR DO NOT AGREE WITH ANY OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS PLEASE SEEK ASSISTANCE AND DO NOT ENROL ON TO THE COURSE. Students are also advised to print and keep a copy of these terms and conditions for their records.

The full text of the terms and conditions is available in hard copy and alternative formats on request from any Student Advisor.

Enrolling on to the course

Deposits, Fees and Payments

DEPOSITS: To book a place on a course, students must pay either (1) The full tuition fee; or (2) A minimum deposit of 50% of the total course fees (unless indicated otherwise on the application form, in which case the terms of the application form shall prevail). All deposits received are for the sole purpose of reserving a place on the course and are NON-REFUNDABLE except (1) In cases of VISA Refusal; AND (2) Subject to the student complying with the School's VISA REFUSAL REFUND POLICY (Please refer to Clauses 4 - 5 below).

This means that if a student changes their mind after enrolling on a course, the deposit payment CANNOT be refunded.

FULL TIME STUDENTS: NO REFUNDS OR COURSE TRANSFERS ARE PERMISSIBLE after a student has been issued with a letter confirming their full time status. This is unless the student has received a VISA Refusal AND only where the student complies with the visa refusal refund policy (Please refer to Clauses 4 - 5 below).

PAYMENT DEADLINE: All tuition fees must be paid in full at least 30 days before the Commencement date of the Course. The Commencement date of the Course is the published date as provided on the Letter Confirming Successful Enrolment to 360 GSP College. Students who have not paid on time may lose their place on the course and may not be granted access to the School.

DISHONOURED PAYMENTS: A minimum charge of £50.00 will be made to students for all dishonoured payments. The School reserves the right to report offenders to the relevant professional body and the authorities, including, but not limited to CIMA and the UKBA.

OVERDUE ACCOUNTS: The School reserves the right to charge interest at 10% per annum on overdue amounts, accruing daily from the date that such payments become due.

INSTALMENT PAYMENT PLAN: The School expects all students to adhere to the terms and conditions of their payment plan, which includes submitting payment on the date it becomes due. A failure to comply with the terms and conditions of your payment plan renders any payment plan ineffective. As a result, the School may bring the payment plan to an end and reserves the right to recover all outstanding fees.

DEBT RECOVERY: Please note that in relation to overdue amounts, the School also reserves the right to pass this matter to our debt recovery company without further notification to you. This means that your data will be passed to our debt recovery company for further action. For the avoidance of doubt, should your data be passed to our debt recovery company in order to recover any overdue amounts, your liability to pay will be increased by additional fees and charges.

DISMISSAL FOR NON-PAYMENT: The School reserves the right to dismiss and expel any student at any time for the non-payment of fees. No fees will be refunded where a student is dismissed under this section.

REPORTING: The School is required to inform the appropriate authorities, including the UKBA, where a student has been removed from School under section 1.6 above. The School also reserves the right to report non-payment and delayed payment to credit-reporting agencies.

FEES SUBJECT TO CHANGE: Fees are published separately for each semester and are payable by all students studying at the time unless they have paid full fees prior to the publication of the new fees. Paying a deposit does NOT prevent any fee increase being applied.

FEES EXCLUSIVE OF PROFESSIONAL BODY CHARGES: All tuition fees exclude amounts payable to professional bodies for student registration, exemptions and examination entries. Any such fees are payable directly by the student, and the School accepts no responsibility for such payment.

VAT: When applicable, all amounts quoted include VAT. Some courses are provided by exempt bodies and are not subject to VAT. Please contact us for further details.

NO DEPOSIT ACCOUNT: Funds received but not utilised or refunded in accordance with these Terms and Conditions will be forfeited to the School.

CHANGES SUBJECT TO APPROVAL: The student agrees that he/she cannot change, defer or withdraw from the programme without prior consent from the School. Where a student has failed to comply with this clause 1.12, they will not be eligible for a refund.

General Terms

PROMOTIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE: Promotions and offers may have restricted eligibility requirements and may change from time to time.

VALUE-ADDED SERVICES: Availability of the online resources and other value-added services cannot be guaranteed due to reasons beyond the School's control, including technical faults and limitations. Except for online-only courses, access to all online resources is provided ex-gratia and does not form part of any contract for services.

COURSE SPECIFICATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE: The School reserves the right to change the courses, tutors, course specifications, lectures, other materials, published programmes, speakers, dates and locations from the previously published materials on the site or any other timetables as well as the right to alter to cancel or change the content of lectures and/or study materials and the identity of tutors at its own discretion. 360 GSP College shall discharge its obligations in respect of a specific course by providing teaching which is materially similar to the course specification advertised, notwithstanding the fact that course dates, times and location, and/or the identity of the lecturer may vary from previously advertised specification.

MATERIALS SUBJECT TO CHANGE: The School may make changes to the material on the sites or to the products and prices described in them at any time without notice, although we will provide notice of substantive changes to our Privacy Policy.

NO TRANSFERS: No course transfers are permissible without the School's prior written consent - this includes course transfers between students. Where the School agrees to a student's course transfer, this is subject to an additional charge. All transfers are at the School's sole and absolute discretion.

STUDENT COMMUNICATION BY EMAIL: The School sends out important student information (including timetable updates, class changes, etc.) exclusively by email. It is the student's sole responsibility to ensure that the School has correct and up-to-date email addresses in our records, and that the student opens, reads and acts promptly upon such email notifications.

COURSES NON-RESIDENTIAL: All courses are non-residential unless specified otherwise, whether as a guest or a registered user. Please read these terms of use carefully before you start to use the site. By using our site, you indicate that you accept these terms of use and that you agree to abide by them. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please refrain from using our site.

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: Students' attention is particularity drawn to this clause. Liability of 360 GSP College for losses arising from their negligence (except in the case of liability for death or personal injury), breach of contract or otherwise will be LIMITED TO THE FULL AMOUNTS PAID BY THE RELEVANT STUDENT FOR THE PARTICULAR COURSES AND/OR STUDY MATERIALS. Except in the case of liability for death and personal injury, such companies will have NO LIABILITY FOR INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS OR DAMAGE HOWSOEVER ARISING. We may revise this acceptable use policy at any time by amending this page. You are expected to check this page from time to time to take notice of any changes we make, as they are legally binding on you. Some of the provisions contained in this acceptable use policy may also be superseded by provisions or notices published elsewhere on our site.

GOVERNING LAW: These Terms and Conditions are governed by English law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

DATA PROTECTION: For the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998 (the Act), the data controller is 360 GSP College of Wembley Point, 1 Harrow Road, London, HA5 6DE. 360 GSP College shall process the personal data only in accordance with our privacy policy. In addition personal data that we collect from you may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the European Economic Area ("EEA") please see our Privacy Policy (/privacy.html) for further details.

Visa Nationals

UKBA REGULATIONS: UKBA regulations are updated frequently, and while the School provides occasional general updates as a courtesy service to students, it is the student's sole responsibility to ensure that they are familiar with the most up to date UKBA regulations. Students on a VISA must familiarise themselves with UKBA regulations and at all times abide by the conditions of their VISA. The School accepts no liability for incomplete or inaccurate VISA applications being supplied.

REQUIREMENT OF FULL TIME STUDY: For students on a Student VISA - students must book and attend a full time course each term in order to meet the requirements of their VISA. In the case of Professional Programmes (CIMA), this means booking and attending a minimum of at least three papers per term.

ATTENDANCE COMPULSORY: Attendance for all students is COMPULSORY.

ATTENDANCE THRESHOLDS: Students must have a minimum on-campus attendance rate of 90% in order to meet the requirements of their VISA. Failure to adhere to the attendance requirements will lead to failure in the course and may result in expulsion from the programme. Students expelled due to poor attendance will be reported to UKBA.

CHANGES TO BE NOTIFIED: Students must inform the School immediately of any change in their immigration status.

DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED: Notwithstanding clause 3.1 (above) students intending to apply for a Tier 4 VISA to study at the School are required to provide all relevant supporting documentation relating to previous qualifications / experience.

DELAYS DUE TO LACK OF DOCUMENTATION: Where a student has failed to supply such documentation under clause 3.6 (above), their application may be delayed.

DOCUMENTS TO BE SUPPLIED TO UKBA: All documents supplied to the School to support a student's application MUST also be sent to UKBA/The British Overseas High Commission, to support their VISA application. Failure to do so may result in the student's application for a VISA being refused, in which case no refund will be provided. The School reserves the right to disclose students' details, including academic progress and attendance rates, to the UKBA.

EXPENSES INFORMATION: Students should expect to spend between £800 to £1,000 per month for living, transport, food, etc. Please note that the average rent in London is highly competitive, and differs from area to area. Students are therefore advised to ensure that they research the area and the average rent before enrolling on any of the courses. Some of the programmes require book purchases, and students should allow a minimum budget of £200 for this purpose. Students on Professional Programme (CIMA) should note that there are no extra charges for study materials as they are covered by the tuition fees. VISA Nationals must seek guidance in relation to expenditure from the UKBA.


General Refund Policy

APPLICATION DEADLINE: All applications for a refund must be made at least 15 days before the commencement date of the course (as detailed on the Letter of Acceptance).

ADMINISTRATION CHARGE: All applications for a refund are subject to an administration charge of £150 (plus any courier and transfer charges).

RIGHT FOR A REFUND MAY BE WAIVED IF NOTIFICATION IMPOSSIBLE: In the circumstance where notification under clause 4.1 will be impossible, a student may be asked to waive their right to apply for a refund by completing a Waiver Form before they enrol on any course. For the avoidance of doubt, where a Waiver Form is completed, the student agrees to waive their right to a refund.

METHOD OF PAYMENT: Refunds will only be made using the original method of payment and to the person who made the original payment.

CBE FEES: Computer Based Examination fees are non-refundable and non-transferable in ALL cases.

DISBURSEMENTS ARE NON REFUNDABLE: Any fees payable by the School on behalf of the student or in connection with the student's application to a third-party (for example, courier fees, CAS fees payable to the UKBA, etc.) are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Refund Policy - Visa Refusal Cases

The School provides educational services and are NOT immigration advisers. The School is not regulated to offer any immigration advice. If you require immigration advice, you should seek independent legal advice as the School cannot and do not offer any immigration advice. A list of government regulated immigration advisers can be obtained from the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (http://oisc.homeoffice.gov.uk/).

The School and its employees are not immigration advisers and therefore the responsibility for the validity and accuracy of a VISA application lies solely with the student. Please note that it is the student's sole responsibility to ensure that they meet the UK Border Agency requirements.

The School cannot and will not be held responsible for any VISA refusal based on reasons which are within the student's reasonable control including, the student failing to provide the necessary documents, failing to demonstrate adequate financial support, submitting an incomplete application, false representations being made, or forgery of documents. The student is held responsible if the VISA application has been made late and their 360 GSP College enrolment has already been processed.

If a student's VISA application is refused due to fault attributable to the student then there is no entitlement to a refund under our Refunds Policy.

This Policy must be read in conjunction with the General Refund Policy (Clause 4 - above) the terms of which also apply. Students' attention is particularly drawn to the fact that where they fail to submit an application for a refund 15 days prior to the Course Commencement Date, they will NOT qualify for a refund.

Students will NOT qualify for a refund where the student has obtained a VISA refusal as per Clause 5.3 above.

If a student's VISA application has been refused (for circumstances other than those provided in clause 5.6) then the fees paid will be refunded less an administration charge of £150 (plus any courier and transfer charges) on production of the following documents:

Copy of the VISA refusal letter (APP200);

Copy of the student's passport showing both a photograph and signature; and

Where the payee was not the student, an original authority letter from the student authorising the repayment to the payee.

Where a student has failed to comply with the Refund Procedure, they will NOT be eligible for a refund save in exceptional circumstances. The School has sole discretion in determining whether or not student's circumstances are exceptional.


Students may only defer their place on a course by up to one academic year, subject to application, payment of a deferral fee, and the School's approval. Under no circumstances will deferral be granted for more than one academic year.

Students must make an application for deferral at least 30 days before the Course Commencement Date.

Students will be charged a deferral fee.

Upon deferring their course, students waive their right to submit an application for a refund. Where a student has deferred their course, and subsequently fails or attempts to withdraw from the course NO REFUNDS WILL BE PROVIDED save in exceptional circumstances. The School has sole discretion in determining whether or not student's circumstances are exceptional.

Student Conduct

Students are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner which demonstrates respect for the School and its staff, fellow students and property (whether tangible or intangible), and in adherence to the Student Code of Conduct, as contained in the Student Handbook for their particular programme of study.

Breaches of the Student Code of Conduct and individual programme regulations can amount to gross misconduct, and can lead to expulsion from study, and forfeiture of all fees.

The School reserves the right to dismiss any student at any time for non-payment of fees or lack of attendance. No fees will be refunded to any student dismissed under this section.

Part Time Students

All Part Time students warrant and confirm that they are British Citizens; EEA Nationals; VISA Nationals with indefinite leave to remain, or are subject to any other form of Immigration control which entitles them to study with the School on a Part Time basis.

Students who have provided false information contrary to clause 9.1 may be dismissed at any time by the School, and will not be eligible to a refund

Free Microsoft Surface Tablet ("the Promotion") Terms and Conditions

Subject to the Terms and Conditions below:

In order to be eligible to participate in the Promotion, students must successfully enrol on one of the following courses ("Qualifying Courses"):

New Certification Students enrolled after 01 November 2013 on the following courses:






MCITP: Enterprise Desktop Support Technician on Windows 7

MCSA: Windows Server 2012

MCSE: Server Infrastructure 2012

MCSE: Messaging solutions expert





Prince 2 Foundation Project Management Training Course and Certification

Prince 2 Practitioner Project Management Training Course and Certification

Prince 2 Foundation & Practitioner Project Management Training Course and Certification

The Promotion is only open to students enrolled on one of the Qualifying Courses with 360 GSP ("the School").

Students must submit payment for the total tuition/revision fees prior to receiving a Microsoft Surface Tablet.

Only one Microsoft Surface Tablet will be issued per student.

The School will endeavour to distribute the Microsoft Surface Tablet within 6-8 weeks from the date that full payment is received.

Students will be eligible to collect a Microsoft Surface Tablet from their campus of study (360 GSP, Wembley Point, 1 Harrow Road, London, HA9 6DE) by prior appointment only, arranged by 360 GSP administration, once the School confirms that the Microsoft Surface Tablet is ready for collection.

Students acknowledge and agree that they will return the Microsoft Surface Tablet where:

The student has failed to submit payment of any fees in full; or

The student is unable to commence or continue study on the course. This includes, but is not limited to the following circumstances:

Failure to obtain/renew a VISA;


Withdrawing from the course; or

Enrolling on a different course (which is not a Qualifying Course). Where students have subsequently enrolled on a different Qualifying Course, they will only be entitled to keep the Microsoft Surface Tablet at the sole discretion of the School.

The Microsoft Surface Tablet Promotion is subject to availability. The School reserves the right to amend and/or withdraw the Promotion at any time. Students will NOT be entitled to receive a Microsoft Surface Tablet where they have failed to submit full payment of fees prior to the withdrawal of respective promotions. The School will advise students of the withdrawal of the Promotion via www.360GSP.com

For the avoidance of doubt, this offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion, including scholarships and/or bursaries, to be eligible for this promotion students must ensure that the published fees have been paid in full.

The School reserves the right to revise and amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time. As such, students are advised to check the School's website regularly for any updates

For the avoidance of doubt, there is NO CASH ALTERNATIVE for students on "Qualifying Course". Students on Certification courses who do not accept the Microsoft Surface Tablet will not be entitled to a discount of any School fees.

The Microsoft Surface Tablet will become the student's responsibility as soon as they have collected the Microsoft Surface Tablet from the School's campus.

The student accepts that by entering into this agreement, they do not rely on, and shall have no remedies in respect of, any representation or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is not set out in these Terms and Conditions. For the avoidance of doubt, should a student accept the Microsoft Surface Tablet, and subsequently seek to return the Microsoft Surface Tablet at their own volition, they will not be entitled to claim any cash alternative or discount.

Students may not transfer any of their rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions to another person without the prior written consent of the School.

The School will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of its obligations under these Terms and Conditions that is caused by events outside its reasonable control (Force Majeure Event). This includes, but is not limited to: supplier unavailability; impossibility of use of the public or private transport; fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural disaster.

The School excludes all liability and responsibility for loss or damage to students or any third party that may result in connection with this Promotion or in connection with the use/or inability to use the Microsoft Surface Tablet. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall limit or exclude liability for (a) death or personal injury caused by negligence (as such term is defined by the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977); or (b) fraud; or (c) any liability that cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.

If any court or competent authority decides that any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions are invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, the term will, to that extent only, be severed from the remaining terms (which will continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law).

No failure or delay by the School of exercising any right or remedy provided under this agreement or by law shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it preclude or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. No single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall preclude or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.

A person who is not party to these Terms and Conditions shall not have any rights under or in connection with them under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by English law and the student and the School both agree to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Microsoft Surface Tablet is a trademark of Microsoft Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. This Promotion has not been endorsed by Microsoft Inc. This Promotion is not in association with Microsoft Inc. For the avoidance of doubt, the School is not, in any way, associated with Microsoft Inc. The free Microsoft Surface Tablet in this promotion refers to the Microsoft Surface Windows RT w/ Office 32GB Tablet PC Model: 1516 NIB New Touch.

For Certification programmes, this Promotion is subject to availability and will end on 30th of December 2013 (while stocks last).


The personal data that we collect from you will also be used for the purposes of enabling a third party data processor to which we subcontract data processing services (Goallover Limited) to assess such data in order to provide data veracity, integrity and validity services to Digital Window and its other clients.

We may disclose your personal information to any member of our group, which means our subsidiaries and our ultimate holding company and any of its subsidiaries, as defined in section 736 of the UK Companies Act 1985; and other associated companies and affiliated institutions.