Leadscale Engine Knowledge Base

Leadscale Engine | LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms

Leadscale Engine receives a PUSH notification from LinkedIn whenever a lead is submitted on a form mapped with Leadscale Engine.

Leads are synced in real-time.

As soon as Leadscale Engine receives the PUSH notification that a lead has been submitted on a LGF, that lead gets retrieved and submitted into Leadscale Engine.

The field mapping settings are done per LGF.

So for each LGF the field mappings are set up to connect LinkedIn fields with Leadscale Engine.

Please note, that this setup is entirely handled by the Leadscale Engine Technical Services Team.



The following meta data fields are synced. Others can be added upon request if required:

  • LinkedIn LGF Id
  • LinkedIn LGF Name
  • LinkedIn Campaign ID

Please ask about our LinkedIn dashboards, which give you access to many more points of meta data and other reporting information.

The deduplication rule is one of the elements specified within the Leadscale Engine Lead Specification.

A lead specification must be completed for each campaign set up in Leadscale Engine

The rule can be made as simple as only allowing a single submission per person, through to allowing the same person through from different LGF, and limiting the total number of records per company.

As mapping is completed per LGF, the change to the form would need to be communicated to the Leadscale Engine Technical Services Team, who would update the system mapping.

If you wish to run LinkedIn LGF integrated with Leadscale Engine, it is a requirement for certain permissions to be granted to Leadscale Engine.

These permissions are purely granted on a system level, and no personnel within Leadscale Engine will be given any access to your page

The system permissions are limited to those required to map the LGF and retrieve the leads submitted on those mapped forms

The permissions are granted by someone with the relevant permissions creating a connector in Leadscale Engine

This LinkedIn help page details the permissions that are required.

If you are in any doubt as to whether you have the correct permissions, then check with the Leadscale Engine Technical Services Team before creating the connector.

No - the permissions that are granted to Leadscale Engine when a 'connector' is created are purely at the system level, and limited to the functions required to integrate with the LGF.

Nobody at Leadscale Engine are granted any permissions and would not be able to access your pages at all within the LinkedIn admin dashboards.

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Leadscale Engine is a proudly managed service, so someone will be on hand to help.